Financial Services Complaints Policy

McCurrach Financial Services takes great pride in the way that we work with our clients, however, accept that, on rare occasions, things might not go as well as we would hope. Should this happen, we would hope to recognise the problem early on and rectify matters without any inconvenience to you.

However, should you ever wish to register a formal complaint, please address your concerns in writing to Mark Docherty at McCurrach Financial Services Ltd, 74 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 7DJ.

On receipt, your complaint will be acknowledged, and you will receive a copy of our complaints handling procedure. The matter will then be investigated in line with that procedure and our findings will be reported to you in writing.

If you cannot reach agreement with us, you may be entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, subject to certain time limits and eligibility.

The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent service in the UK for settling disputes between businesses providing financial services and their clients. The web address is:

Full details of how to refer a complaint to FOS are shown on their web site. We also provide those details as part of our final response, when we complete our investigation of any complaint.